
TLDR; a lengthy artist bio

I’m Hanna Eva Drushal, an artist and maker. Ever since I can remember, I’ve been creating, making, building, and figuring stuff out. It all started when I was around age five. My mom recognized my artistic talent. She decided to enroll me in drawing classes at a small shop in North Canton, OH. I began practicing basic drawing skills. Over the next 25+ years, I explored various mediums on my own, including acrylic painting. Recently I’ve delved into digital art and jewelry making. I’ve always admired and collected jewelry, but I just began learning how to make it about 5 years ago. I started with putting together beads and chains and whatnot. I did some wire-wrapping for a bit. What I really fell in love with is copper electroforming. There is no limit to what you can do with SCIENCE.

I’ve been creating stuff for a good portion of my life, mostly as a hobby, something to do when I wasn’t working my day job (or night job). I’ve been through many different fields of work trying to find what would fit. My first job was at Swenson’s, flippin’ burgers. I used my paychecks from there to buy a car and get tattoos when I was 16. I really wanted to be a tattoo artist. I did try a couple apprenticeships, but it never quite worked out (although, tattooing is something I would consider in the future). After that, I delivered pizza for a good chunk of time. I loved it, but it wasn’t hitting all the marks. I found myself getting in trouble more and more. I decided that I wanted to work with animals, do something meaningful. I was a vet assistant and a groomer briefly, but it wasn’t for me. I went back to school for Web Design, and finished my associate’s degree that I started in high school. Turns out, I am 100% miserable sitting in front of a computer all day. While I was finishing my degree, I met my partner, Joey. A lot of things changed. I got sober. I got happy. I worked a couple of tech jobs briefly before I decided to quit. Actually, it was because of this book I was reading, Einstein and the Rabbi. I rarely read, but this book said the right things to me at the right time. I needed to re-evaluate my life and truly listen to my soul. I needed to make art again. It was that simple. I know this is the right path for me now. Joey supported me all the way. I wake up every day grateful for my partner and this opportunity to build my business.

My Mission

I’m always striving to try new things with my art, but my themes are typically the same. I like to portray the light in the dark. The hope that’s just within reach when you’re struggling with mental health. The beauty that everything inherently has (even if you can’t see it right now). Mostly, I reflect my own feelings in my art, and try to shine a light on this thing we call “depression”. I feel a lot of things, and I feel them very deeply. I’m a highly sensitive person, and an INFP. I do it all for my own well-being. For example, making shrinky dinks helps me to embrace my silliness amongst all the seriousness. Collecting organics for electroforming jewelry helps me get out of the house and find peace in the woods. I also do these things because it fulfills a deep sense of purpose I have to share my talents and feelings with this world. I hope to make a difference in someone’s day, and create a small ripple in my corner of the universe.

Thank you for reading and thank you for visiting my page! Feel free to explore my shop, and use this secret coupon code: 5OFFYO. You deserve it. If you have any questions or would like to acquire a piece of this creative adventure, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Your support allows me to continue pursuing my mission, and I’m excited to share my world of art with you.

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